Monday, October 18, 2010

We remember...

This weekend was too much for words, which doesn't bode well for this blog post...or maybe it does because I can share pictures instead of rambling (?).

In an attempt to capture my experiences this weekend, during which we recognized and participated in Pregnancy & Infant Loss Remembrance Day, I will use some adjectives that come to mind to describe how I felt:

Sad. Happy. Stressful. Emotional. Exhausted. Wonderful. Honored. Moved. Inspired. Loved. Not alone.

And since some claim a picture can speak a thousand words... I'll let these pictures tell my story of this weekend and remembering my baby and the babies of others...

Hailey's name  painted on a rose petal, made by one of the ladies from Project Sweet Peas

A second picture of Hailey's name painted on a rose petal edited with a heart, made by one of the ladies from Project Sweet Peas

Hailey's name  painted on a leaf, made by one of the ladies from Project Sweet Peas

A second picture of Hailey's name  painted on a leaf, made by one of the ladies from Project Sweet Peas

A candle lit for Hailey, done by another one of the ladies from Project Sweet Peas

Here she arranged Hailey's candle along with those of others' babies to form an angel

Josh, Opie, and I walked to remember Hailey on Saturday

We wrote her a note and attached it to a giant butterfly collage at the Walk to Remember event.

This is our butterfly we released in remembrance of Hailey.

Me with Hailey's balloon at the balloon remembrance release I organized for Hailey's Hope with Project Sweet Peas

The balloons we released in remembrance of 82 babies.

The beginning of our release.

All of the balloon released into the air

Thank you to all of you who participated with us in our balloon release. Thank you to those of you who sent me encouraging messages over the weekend. Thank you to those of you who lit a candle in remembrance of Hailey. Thank you to everyone for supporting me, Josh, Hailey, and Hailey's Hope. Although our daughter isn't with us, she will always remain an important part of our life ,and it's very important to us that the people in our life acknowledge her, remember her, and don't act like we never had a daughter and she never existed...


  1. Beautiful release and I love the pics with her name.

  2. [...] and celebrating our daughter as well as helping others remember their babies. You can read about it here (and I hope that you [...]
