Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Isaiah 9 Months


Isaiah 9 Months Old

I'm Growing!

I unofficially weigh 17.5 lbs and am maybe 28 inches long (I wouldn't stay still for mommy to get an accurate measure). 


My 8th month was a big one for me! 


Pulling to standing!

Cut my top 2 teeth! (That makes 4 teeth so far!)


Praise the Lord! I am sleeping better at night for the most part! Once I started to crawl, I started to sleep a lot better at night for mommy. I still wake up a couple of times a night, but mommy greatly appreciates the longer stretches. I still take 2 naps a day. Some times I will take 3 if one of my others was very short. I wake up around 7 and fall asleep around 7:45. I now sleep in a sleep blanket. Mommy finally got me out of the pink fleece sleep sack and got me this super comfy muslin BOY sleep sack that I love to sleep in. For my naps mommy tends to rock me to sleep, but for bedtime I put myself to sleep.


I'm still breastfed and nurse about every 3 hours during the day. I was enjoying baby food and then I got a cold which ruined that for me. So now I don't really like to eat anything. Mommy has sort of given up spoon feeding me pureed baby food and is working more towards baby led weaning with table foods. So far I like puffs, peas, and banana. I still love gumming celery and peppers and sometimes apples. I've tried a variety of other things but so far I don't like the textures and spit it back out. But really, I don't eat much. Thank goodness mommy's milk is so nutritious for me. 


It's a whole new world to explore and play in now that I can crawl and go places! Playtime is mostly me crawling and exploring. I love playing with toys that move like the set of balls that my big bro gave me for Christmas. Also, I really enjoy my big brother's wooden blocks and tinker toys. My favorite activity that makes me giggle like crazy is when mommy pretends to have my paci in her mouth and then I take it from her and keep pretending to put it in her mouth! Oh the belly laughs that gives me! So funny!


Still LOVE Opie and big brother. Still like chewing on celery, mommy's water bottle, smiling, and baths. Like door stops (new discovery). Really like my monkey bear I sleep with now. And like all the toys and things above under play.


Still dislike being in my car seat and being confined by any device with straps. Dislike eating solid foods. Dislike when I see mommy walk away from me. Also, much to mommy's dismay, I do not like my jumper anymore.


First Easter Egg Hunt! 

First Easter!

Grammy and Oma visited and we all went to River Fest. I had a super awesome good time with my family!