Saturday, December 31, 2011

Christmas 2011 Back Home Again

This is over due, but I still wanted to share about our Christmas this year. Of course, this Christmas was Isaac's first. This was also the second Christmas spent without Hailey and without my dad. Both of those combined brought their fair share of joy and sorrow.

We spent the week leading up to Christmas and through Christmas in our hometown in Illinois. The trip began with a stressful, long 8 hour drive in the middle of the night (to allow the little one to sleep through the car ride, which he did splendidly). The weekend began with a friend's wedding where Isaac was an absolute doll and adored being oohed and ahhed over. The next day was our first Christmas party with my mom's side of the family. The traveling, plus the previous evening's festivities, plus being in a new place, with 50 some more new faces was a bit much for the little guy. I enjoyed seeing many relatives I hadn't seen since Hailey's memorial service and before that hadn't seen in a couple of years. But in, all honesty, I felt stressed over and sympathizing with Isaac's fussiness. By the fourth day or so, which sure seemed like a long time, Isaac worked himself back into a routine, and we all enjoyed a few low key days. As Christmas approached we attended more parties and made more visits with family and friends. We celebrated 'our' Christmas with Isaac on Christmas Eve morning with my husband's immediate family who we were staying with. Christmas Eve night we enjoyed more gift opening and spent it with my father-in-law's extended family. Christmas day we celebrated and opened gifts with my immediate family. Finally, the day after Christmas, our last family party, with my mother-in-law's side of the family, after which or maybe during (?) we left to drive through the night back home to Tennessee.

That's just skimming the surface of our trip and Christmas though, as alluded to in my previous post.

Going back home to Hailey was more difficult than I'd imagined. My grief resurfaced and surged about within my heart. Living so far away from where she is buried allows me to distance myself from and bury a lot of my grief I realized. I wasn't able to visit her grave for a few days after we arrived. But from the minute we arrived home, I knew she was right down the road from me. The reality of her burial and what we went through two years ago and continue to go through hit hard. My baby's there. That baby who seems like something I only imagined once is real again. She's there. Down the road. In the ground. In her tiny coffin. In her pink polka dot jammies. She's there. I went and visited her, and I couldn't help but literally imagine her below me right there in the cold, hard ground. Grief. Sorrow. There are no words. I cried. I caught myself trying to forbid myself from crying, but I didn't... I released the tears that needed to come. I remember the spring after we first buried her... I thought of it raining on her and I had a strange desire to go stand over her with an umbrella... The similar thoughts and feelings came when I went to see her. It was cold, not the typical cold of a Chicago winter, but cold enough, and all I could think of was how cold her body must be. And that strange desire to find a way to warm her came over me. But knowing she's not there, and what's left of her can't be warmed or cared for... well it's frustrating and painful. We visited her the first time, just my husband and I. Then we visited her a second time to set a new Christmas wreath next to her grave. I bought a special pink butterfly to put on the wreath for her. I don't know why decorating her grave or making it look 'pretty' or 'cared for' matters to me... but it does and it's important. I can't explain it. The final time we went to visit her we brought Isaac with to see his sister. It was cold that day with an extra harsh wind, so Isaac didn't stay out long. My husband took him back to the car, and I read her my Christmas gift to her and Isaac. A beautiful book by Nancy Tilman, Wherever You Are, My Love Will Find You. I think I cried every time we visited her. And I cried after we'd come back home. I cried being in that same bedroom we were in almost two years ago where we prepared for her funeral, where I cried all day and night and couldn't sleep and held on to her giraffe. That room is loaded with memories and grief. But this year it had our bundle of joy in it too... which adds a whole new dimension of emotions to it. So of course, needless to say, this Christmas without Hailey was not any easier, and I don't expect it will ever be. But being back home by her was somewhat of a shocking experience of grief, like I was going back to a life I had once forgotten... And the grief was hard to deal with as it was tucked in between all the busyness of people and places and such as well as trying to find where it belonged in the midst of the joy of everything else.

So yes there was joy that was had. There were wonderful memories made. It was great being surrounded with so many people we love and who love us. I had a wonderful time helping Isaac open his presents, loved watching him inquisitively reach for the wrapping paper and pull it, tearing his presents open. Of course he thought the occasion was about eating wrapping paper not about the gifts the paper had wrapped... In my mind I had a notion of what I wanted his first Christmas to be like and how I wanted to commemorate the event... So much so that I nearly ruined Christmas... You see, I had wanted it well documented. Pictures and video. I'd set up the video camera in just the right spot, remembered to press record... Only after opening presents did my husband discover practically none of it recorded because I hadn't cleared out enough space in the memory or the card. I missed recording Isaac's first Christmas. In my mind I catastrophized (making up a word) the event. I felt of course that meant I ruined Isaac's first Christmas, but the truth is, which I realized after I had a mini meltdown freakout, was that he did not care or notice and it did not matter to him. I realized a terrible flaw I have... I'm so focused on getting the right picture or recording every important memory on film or video, etc. that I miss half of what I'm wanting to document. I forget to live in the moment, forget to enjoy to moment. Forget what life's about....

All in all... well there really is no nice, simple, one sentence wrap up to our Christmas... maybe if I wanted to be close and use a cliche... I felt like it was a beautiful mess at times.

Christmas this year was emotional. It was stressful. It was joyful. It was sorrowful. It was everything in between. It was full of wonderful moments that are now wonderful memories. It was full of painful memories as well. Most importantly though, it was full of love.

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Merry Christmas, 2011

As those who have lost loved ones know, this time of year can be especially hard. This is my second Christmas without Hailey and my dad, but my first with my baby boy. The week has been full of activities and visits with family and friends as well as with the regular busyness of taking care of a baby which are wonderful things but also make the emotions flowing through my heart this week difficult to process. I've fought to make this Christmas special and make beautiful memories with Isaac for his first Christmas while at the same time fighting to remember Hailey and make her a part of it all and feeling as though I've failed at both to some extent. Needless to say, my heart's been a mess this week and frustratingly so because I've also had to fight to remember the reason behind the season, and I've mostly lost that battle too. It's been difficult to take the time to focus on Christ's birth, on God humbly coming to earth as a baby so that he could live to die... to save me...

And then I read these words tonight and they touched a part of my heart that so needed it. Please read!

Because He Came

Merry Christmas everyone! Happy Birthday Jesus!

Friday, December 23, 2011

Coming home again...

It's been almost a year since we were last home... Since I last visited her resting place here on earth. While we are away living our lives, I often long to be back home so I can visit her. Most people don't understand this longing, and honestly I don't understand it myself most days.

I know without a shadow of a doubt t

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

I'm Spending Christmas with Jesus

A friend who recently experienced her own loss, shared this poem with me the other day. Brought tears to my eyes. I love it so much I wanted to share it on here.

I see the countless Christmas trees.
Around the world below,
With tiny lights, like heaven’s stars,
Reflecting on the snow.
The sight is so spectacular,
Please wipe away that tear.
For I’m spending Christmas
With Jesus Christ this year.
I hear the many Christmas songs,
That people hold so dear,
But the sounds of music can’t compare,
With the Christmas choir up here.
For I have no words to tell you,
The joy their voices bring.
For it is beyond description,
To hear an angel sing.
I can’t tell you of the splendor,
Or the peace here in this place.
Can you just imagine Christmas,
With our Savior, face to face?
I’ll ask Him to light your spirit,
As I tell Him of your love;
So then pray for one another,
As you lift your eyes above.
Please let your heart be joyful,
And let your spirit sing.
For I’m spending Christmas in Heaven,
And I’m walking with the King!
I know how much you miss me;
I see the pain inside your heart.
But I’m not so far away,
We really aren’t apart.
So be happy for me, dear ones,
You know I hold you dear,
And be glad I’m spending Christmas
With Jesus Christ this year.
I send you each a special gift
From my heavenly home above.
I send you each a memory
Of my undying love.
After all “love” is the gift,
More precious than pure gold.
It was always most important
In the stories Jesus told.
Please love and keep each other
As my Father said to do,
For I can’t count the blessings
Or the love He has for you.
So have a Merry Christmas and
Wipe away that tear.
Remember I’m spending Christmas
With Jesus Christ this year!
- Author Unknown

{Merry Christmas Hailey. Love you baby girl}.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Isaac's 4 months old!

Today Isaac turns 4 months old. (Happy Birthday baby boy!) This past month has been my favorite and our best so far.

Isaac has been sleeping through the night like a champ! He usually goes to bed between 8 and 9pm and wakes up between 6 and 7:30am. He will sleep anywhere from 7-9.5 hours straight! After his long stretch he will wake up to eat an early morning snack and then drift back to sleep for an hour or two.  He's still sleeping in his little bassinet at night. I attempted the crib one night, and he woke up every hour so I quit that night... We'll try again once we get back from our holiday travels.

He still is not a sleeper during the day. He keeps to sleeping 12 hrs total no matter what the order. His naps are anywhere from 25-55 minutes a piece. This month we began to process of quitting rocking him to sleep for naps, and he's doing ok with it. We're making progress and some days are fabulous, and some days are a bit harder. But all in all Isaac is doing well.

With each passing month and even day we see his personality coming out. He's becoming happier and happier, if that's possible! He's learning and growing so fast! I seriously delight in him sooooo much! He makes my day every day. :)

He is a very smiley baby. He loves watching people and smiling at them and batting his ridiculously long eyelashes. He soaks up the attention; I call him my little ham. He's also become quite the talkative baby making more and more sounds and discovering his voice and it's loudness more and more. I also call him my little squawker. He loves to squawk when he plays, and he loves cooing with his daddy.

He still has an obsession with putting his hands in mouth and chewing and sucking on them. (Well honestly he tries to put amy object within reach in his mouth and if he can't he gets frustrated but not every object is one he ends up wanting, just his hands most of the time). This month his hands finally discovered his feet, and they are by far his new favorite play thing! Getting him out of bed from naps I've discovered him sock less or with wet footies from him sucking on them at some point during nap time!

He also started reaching out more towards objects and grabbing them, which led to his discovery of his second favorite thing - Opie! He loves reaching out to grab Opies nose and lips and ears and eyes and anything his little hands can grab onto. They have great play times together.

Isaac is also discovering he can roll from side to side so he does that a lot when playing on his back and when he goes down for a nap. It's so cute to watch.

He's enjoying tummy time more and more and doing better at it although it's hard to keep him from attacking his hands with his mouth which results in him face planting.  Lately we hold him on his belly and "fly" him around like superman which he likes.

All in all Isaac had a great 4th month! I seriously can't get enough of him and make sure he's covered in kisses over and over again each day which I'm sure he's going to hate within a few years... but his mommy can't help it...

Love you baby boy! You are my handsome little man and you truly are my joy and bring me so much laughter every day!

Thursday, December 1, 2011

She would have been 2 today...

(I'm writing this the day before, but will be posting on Hailey's 2nd birthday.)


Where do I start?

First with some lyrics the post title reminds me of... (from Building 429 who the lead singer of also happens to be our worship leader at church)
I was standing in the pour raining
One dark November night
Fighting off the bitter cold
When she caught my eye
Her face was torn and her eyes were filled
And then to my surprise
She pulled out a photograph
And my heart just stopped inside
She said *she would have been *two today
I miss *her smile, I miss *her face
What was I supposed to say
But I believe always always
Our Savior never fails
Even when all hope is gone
God knows our pain and His promise remains
He will be with you always

Wow that song is more than perfect...Thank you for those words Lord.


I haven't written about her... or anything... in a long time. Mostly because I find myself extremely busy taking care of her brother Isaac and with the other aspects of "real" life. However, there are times I write about her. In fact I've written about her twice this month with intentions to post it, only having read it the next day and finding myself unable to bring myself to do it. Sometimes I feel like I'm a broken record when writing and talking about her, generally saying the same thing again and again...Sometimes what I write is the inner, deepest, most secret, painful places of my heart that I often only gift light to when I write... but those places are painful and hard... and I've written plenty of posts that are heart-wrenching... and to be honest, I'm not sure I can share that pain anymore. I can't pinpoint why. The pain is real. I'm not trying to hide it even years later. But for someone reason it's harder to share. And maybe it's because I don't have the time to devote to writing that my feelings and thoughts deserve.

That's not to be mistaken for me not wanting to share about Hailey or my experience. Oh no. I still have a desire and need to talk about her and keep her memory alive every day. But to explore and share those inner parts of myself related to her is just not something I can fully do anymore. I may after the new year officially take a break from "her" blog for an indefinite period of time... I'm not sure yet.

Anyway, here I am writing about my daughter on the eve of what would have been her 2nd birthday. And as always, I don't know where to begin and I don't want to be a broken record. By now, I've shared her birth story on here over and over, I've shared the experience and my feelings, and the trauma and the joy and the broken dreams and the love and everything in between. It's nothing new. But at the same time, it's her story. It's my story. And I need to remember it and share it.

I'll start with one of "those" posts I wrote last week but never actually posted:

Okay... Anyway, I will share this one post I wrote last week...

 In the quiet of the night I think of you. Often I'm lost in the busyness of the day but even then there are often reminders of you .. But not enough.

It's a little less than a week until your birthday and you are on my mind a lot more throughout my days.

I'm stopping and slowing life down so I can take the proper time to remember you.

They say time heals all wounds but I disagree. Sure life has moved on and my mind and heart are distracted by the here and now...
But the more time passes the less time I devote to truly sit and think of you and linger in my memories and feel...

Today I took the time to stop and tonight I do to and it's heart wrenching..... The wounds are fresh not healed... Never fully healed...

We finally took the boxes of the things we'd saved of yours... That you used and some that we hoped you'd use but never did... We're finally getting rid of them... And while that all initially happened this afternoon, unexpectedly to be honest... I felt myself living on the surface pushing the tears back before they even knew they were supposed to come...

But no. I must stop doing that, I need to feel.

I went through the boxes just to make sure there wasn't anything of yours I wanted to keep... I'm glad I did...

I found your two pink gowns we had for you that you wore in the hospital. The one with the stripes you wore on your one week birthday and looked so adorable in... I looked at it and touched it and could almost smell your sweet birthday cake...

And you know what, my heart broke and I wanted to cry but instead of holding it in I cried. I often don't allow myself to stop and feel anymore because it's hard... But I had to remind myself of who you were to me and the significance of what we went through together.

You were my baby girl. You wore these outfits my fingers are touching... It brings me so close to you again but reminds of how far away you are... And so I cried.

I know you are in Heaven, I know I will see you again one day... But for now it hurts really bad and sometimes I need to take time to sit and think of you and just cry...,

And as I write this I cry and I weep and my chest is tight and my shoulders shake and I can barely see through my tears to write...

I miss you baby girl. I wish I could remember you better... I hate that my memories are fuzzy...

So that's all for now my munchkin... Mommy needs to start this week before your second Birthday by allowing myself to feel my emotions and so it's starting with grief...

Two years later and it's the same struggles... And on the eve of her 2nd birthday, my heart is full of the painful memories of her birth and the struggles of the present.

How do I let go but hold on? How do I grieve her? How do I remember her? Why can't I remember anymore? Why do I talk mechanically about her and force away tears that are desperate to fall? Why do I treat "it all" like it was/ is no big deal? How do I live while a part of me has died?

There are so many sources of frustration... new sources of sorrow as time passes... time will never heal those things... life just gets in the way... and God helps give me tools to get through...

I apologize right now for the jumbled nature of this post... There are so many thoughts and feelings about her... Not enough space or time for them all to be adequately shared...

Here's where I am... Kind of if I can articulate it at all, but words are really failing me today.

Tomorrow my daughter would have turned two. This year I'm having a hard time focusing on the love and joy and celebration of her life (even though that's somewhat of a given), but instead I'm finding myself filled with sorrow for what could have been but isn't.

Going through her boxes reminded me of what we hoped for that didn't happen. The clothes meant for older babies she never wore. The toys meant for her to play with but she never could. And so on... As I see and watch Isaac grow, I'm reminded on what I missed out on with her...  And see, I almost can't write this because I already want to weep...

This may seem really odd and out of place, but I'm reminded of a scene from the  Breaking Dawn movie where the audience "sees" what Jacob "sees" when he imprints on a baby girl...  I long to be him in that moment. I have such a struggle with only knowing Hailey for 36 days... wondering what her smile would have looked like, what her laugh would have sounded like, what she would be like on her 2nd birthday. I think about what she would have looked like as a bride in a white gown... But I can't picture any of these things... I don't know what she would have looked... Would she have looked more like me or more like my husband? Who is/ was she? And there's the struggle of "grieving the child I [knew but] never knew"... So I long to have a moment like Jacob... where seeing a baby he sees all of her, even when she's twenty... But in some ways, I wonder if that scene will be something like I will experience in heaven.. I know odd right, talking about Breaking Dawn and heaven... But I often wonder how I'll know her in heaven... What will she look like? I imagine her being a little girl with long flowing brown hair... But I don't know what she'll look like, but I know I'll know her. So I wonder if I will have a moment like in his vision...

And on her birthday, my imagination will probably create something like that in my mind... Trying to picture as a healthy child, beautiful, running through fields of wildflowers, playing in a stream, giggling, and so on... Maybe that's my birthday gift to her... imagining what I hope to experience one day with her.

~ ~ ~ ~

My Dearest Hailey,

Happy Birthday baby girl. You came into our lives two years ago, but, for now, will always be 5 weeks old in our eyes. For now that time seems much too brief, but one day we will have an eternity to spend with you. We miss you for now, and we long for the day when Jesus reunites us with you in Heaven. It's my prayer that God sends along this birthday message to you as well as all my other loving thoughts and feelings toward you. I pray he shares with you a smile, a kiss, and a long warm embrace on my behalf. For now I imagine you and see you in my dreams, those are far better sometimes than the painful memories of your life when you were sick and hurting. I'm so thankful for the wonderful hope I have that Jesus makes possible that one day everything will be wonderful again. We love you so much and always will. Happy Birthday my beautiful baby girl. Mommy is so proud of you and loves you so much. Words will always fail to capture the depths of my feelings for you, but I know you know.

Love you always and forever,

Your Momma


~ ~ ~ ~

So what are we doing on her birthday tomorrow?

A part of me desperately desires to visit her at her grave...  I'd loved to have visited her. Spent some time in prayer by her and before the Lord. Left her with a pink rose and butterfly balloon.

To "celebrate" and remember her 2nd birthday tomorrow, but unfortunately that's impossible since we're separated by miles. So instead, I'm doing the best thing I can think to do on her birthday. Visit another place that brings her back to me... unfortunately it wasn't the happiest of times spent there... but it's a place that connects us nonetheless.

So tomorrow, my husband and I along with Hailey's brother are driving down to Birmingham, AL to donate care packages from Hailey's Hope to Hailey's NICU to help other families who are in our shoes two years ago. We're donating 36 packages (one for each day of her life). It's about a 3-4 hour drive... First long trip with Isaac... A lot of time to remember and think which is good and bad in some ways... We'll drive there, drop the packages off, probably walk around the hospital (won't go in the NICU due to hospital policy), but probably walk by it... (this all has potential to bring up painful memories and tears, but that's okay, I am letting myself cry tomorrow and not allowing myself to put up barriers)... This year will be different than last year's birthday delivery. This year my husband will be with and of course our son. I know we'll be telling and showing Isaac things related to his sister... And while I want to do that and will do that... It's heartbreaking that this is our life... that he has a sister but doesn't...   Anyway, most likely after our visit to the hospital we'll grab something to eat and then head back home for the 3-4 hour drive... It's going to be a long day, but I pray it's everything it needs to be for our family.

.... Happy Birthday baby girl...