Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Lessons that Saved my Life

I am extremely thankful for the growing God has been doing in me since I lost my dad and Hailey. It seems like almost every day I'm learning something new or gaining a new piece of God's wisdom about getting through this life and not just getting through it but making the most of it, not just to surviving, but to thriving.

Here are some of the lessons and pieces of wisdom I've gained (mostly from this past year, but not all) in hopes they might help someone else and so that I can have a record of them as a reminder for myself.

~  I first learned the answer to the age old question, "What's the meaning of life?" years ago but am continually going deeper in what it means every day. The answer is this: Love God with all your heart, mind, and soul. In loving God, follow and serve Him.  Share God's love with others (literally telling others of his love as in the great commission and through your actions) - ask him how he can use you to do this.

~ If my husband loved me perfectly, like I so often want him to do, I would have no need for God's perfect love.

~ People you love will fail you, disappoint you, and leave you, but God never will. If you focus on God's love and being filled by Him, you will find the true satisfaction that you long for.

~ Life is full of "bad stuff" (sickness, death, abuse, and so on). The "bad stuff" does not come from God, it comes from the fall of mankind and the result of sin. The wonderful thing is that God can use all of that "bad stuff" for accomplishing good. He doesn't need it to accomplish good, but he can use it for good.

~ I've learned a lot about hope.

~ Frustrated with unanswered prayers? Reconsider your prayer life. Pray according to the scriptures and God's promises. Pray for God's will to be done and for the wisdom, strength, and whatever else it takes for you to accept whatever his will is.

~ God's plan for your life might not be the plan you have for your life. Pray that God would match your hearts desires with His.

~ God calls you to love others. Do it. Treat others as God treats you. Love them first. Extend grace and mercy and forgiveness. It surprises me how I expect others to love me and treat me with grace and mercy and so on before I do the same to them.

~ When we rely on ourselves or others, it leaves us disappointed, frustrated, and hopeless. Thankfully, everything we could ever need God provides for us, and we can always rely on Him. When I do, I'm left feeling loved, at peace, and hopeful. For he loves me (1 John 4:19), he never leaves me (Joshua 1:5), and his ways are perfect (Deut. 32:4).

~ We love to try to be in control, but it often leaves us frustrated, tired, worried, stressed, anxious, and overwhelmed. This is because we cannot control others or the circumstances of our lives, but we can control ourselves, our actions and attitudes, and we can do it in the right way with God's help.

~ Envy and jealousy are a dangerous business that lead to dissatisfaction, depression, and bitterness in our lives. They are unproductive and destructive emotions. If you stop focusing on others' haves and your have nots, you will be much more content and at peace with your life. Again, it somewhat goes back to the previous issue of control. You can only control yourself and make the most of your life that's been given to you.

~ If you want friends, be a friend first. Don't wait for others to approach you, seek out friendships.

~ If you need encouragement, encourage others first.

~ When you don't feel like praying, pray. When you don't feel like worshiping, worship.

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