Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Isaiah 5 Months Old

I'm 5 Months Old!

I'm Growing!

No unofficial measurements this month, but mommy weighed me at home and says I weigh 14.9 pounds!


Shortly after I turned 4 months old I rolled from my back to my tummy and quickly became a pro at it! 

Blowing raspberries!

I found my feet and toes finally! I even was able to taste them! Pretty yummy. 

Also had my first taste of real food this month! Mommy is thinking of doing more baby led weaning and I'm really interested in watching her eat and trying to grab food from her. She probably will wait another month to really start, but she let me suck on a piece of water melon and I sure loved it! Felt nice and cold on my gums too!

I took my first bottle this month! I wasn't having it at all at first. Did not like it. But eventually after a lot of hard work, mommy got me to drink 3 oz of pumped milk and I liked that a lot. 


I'm back to being a happy napper. I take a morning nap, afternoon nap, and early evening catnap of about 30 minutes, my other naps are still anywhere from 45 minutes to 2 hours. However, my night time sleep took a huge hit this month. I'm making mommy pretty tired I can tell. I rarely wake up less than 3 times... The other night I kept waking up every hour. I sure love when she comes to hold me and helps me fall back asleep, I wouldn't have it any other way! Mommy helps me fall asleep by holding me and walking around with a little bounce in her step or rocking me. She always pats my butt to the rhythm of Jingle Bells and I just love it! I nap in my rock 'n play still and sleep half the night in my crib and half the night in my rock 'n play. I also like to wake up for an hour every morning from 4/5-5/6 and then go back to sleep until 7ish. Basically mommy is pretty tired, but I am pretty happy. 


Mommy is trying to get me on more of a spaced out schedule so I don't snack so much during the day, but I'm not really on board with that idea yet. I like eating whenever I feel like it still which tends to be before and after naps, and then there are some days I just don't feel like eating much at all. Mommy is also trying to get me to drink more pumped milk from a bottle, but with my eating being so sporadic and my snacking a lot, and it being this whole new thing to me, the bottle is a work in progress. 


This month I love my jump-a-roo. Big brother plays with me a lot while I'm in it so that makes it extra fun. I still like to roll around and play with my feet. I don't like sitting in my bouncer anymore, I try to pull up to sitting whenever mommy puts me in it. I like to put things in my mouth and chew on them. I'm not sure I have a favorite toy, I sort of like them all.


Sitting up with help. My feet. Chewing mommy's knuckles. Tickles. Daddy drumming my arms and hands. Big brother playing with me. Smiles.


Sleeping through the night. 


I had my first Thanksgiving! I liked watching the Macy's parade with Isaac and daddy.

We cut our first family Christmas tree!

I went on my first Hailey's Hope delivery with my family for Hailey's birthday.

Mommy and daddy took me and Isaac to see the Radio City Christmas Spectacular Show in Nashville. I loved watching it!

Another amazing month! Can't wait to learn and grow more!

Monday, November 24, 2014

Isaiah 4 Months

I'm 4 Months Old!

I'm Growing!

As of today at my 4 month check up, I officially weigh 13 pounds 9 ounces and am 25.5 inches long.


Officially a pro at holding my head up and tummy time. In fact, I like tummy time so much I demand mommy put me on my tummy. She says I need to learn to roll and do that myself soon. Maybe I'll try soon...


Mommy officially moved me to my own room this past month. I now sleep and nap there - usually in my crib, sometimes in my bassinet. I still sleep up to 5 hours - almost 6 - for my first stretch of sleep on my good nights. Mommy said my night time sleep was improving since I started only waking up twice a night.  I was napping for about 2 hours in the morning and about 2 hours in the afternoon, with a catnap in the evening, but a couple of weeks ago I started having trouble, so sometimes I only sleep 30 minutes at a time and am pretty unhappy about it too. Mommy's trying to work with me on that one. And I definitely don't like falling asleep on my own anymore.


Mommy is still doing her best to feed me whenever I want. It tends to be about every 2-4 hours. I like to eat when I wake up and sometimes I like to snack before I fall asleep.


Not so much a fan of my play mat anymore, but I really like when mommy puts me on a blanket on the floor and surrounds me with toys that I can turn and reach for. I still love putting anything I can crab in my mouth. My favorite toys to play with our my butterfly toy and my "monkey bear." I really like tummy time as I already mentioned. It's also fun when mommy and daddy help me sit up and tickle me.


My big brother. My "monkey bear." Interactive play. Being tickled. LOVE baths. 


Sitting still too long. Falling asleep - there are so many more fun things I could be doing!


I had my first Halloween. The family and I dressed up like characters from Jake and the Neverland Pirates (my big brother's idea). I was Cubby.

I met Santa Claus!! He was in Nashville when the whole family went to see the Dancing Christmas Lights. I loved listening to the music and seeing all of the Christmas lights - it was my first time seeing them!

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Isaiah 3 Months

I'm 3 Months Old!

I'm Growing!

Unofficially weighing in at 13lbs, measuring 25"


First real tears and first real giggles just a few days ago!
More purposeful grabbing of toys and objects in front of me! Sometimes I like to hold toys in my hands, but whenever I do I just try to eat them.
First time in church nursery this past month.
First time in the Bumbo (I only liked it at first because I'm still not the greatest at holding my head up but I'm getting there).


I still sleep up to 5 hours - almost 6 - for my first stretch of sleep on my good nights. I don't grunt so much in the early hours of the morning anymore, which mommy is thankful for. I've been up a lot more during the night in the past week - mommy says it's because I'm growing. I'm both predictable and flexible in my naps. I sleep for about 2 hours for my morning nap and about 2-3 hours for my afternoon nap, with a catnap in the evening. Sometimes my naps are interrupted for various reasons but I always make up for it. Mommy says if I cry it usually means I'm tired and need to go back to sleep so she helps me. Wake up time is around 7 or 8 or whenever big brother wakes me up with his goofy face in mine, and I like to go to bed when big brother goes to bed. I usually end up falling asleep on my own in my crib while mommy tucks him in for the night. This is the only time I fall asleep on my own anymore. All other times I demand that mommy (or someone else) holds my in their arms and that puts me to sleep pretty fast. Most nights I start off sleeping in my crib and then mommy moves me and has me sleep in my rock 'n play in mommy's room. I usually sleep in my rock 'n play for naps too.


Mommy feeds me pretty well. My eating has been all over the place this month. I went from eating every 2 hours or so with less snacking to stretching it out further to eating every 1-2 hours during my growth spurt. Basically I just eat whenever I want and mommy does her best to accommodate me. 


This month I discovered that I really like my play mat. It has a pretty cool mirror that I can see myself in as well as some fun toys that make noises when I bat at or kick them. My big brother likes to lie next to me and play with me on it too. I really like to grab at things and bring objects to my mouth. My black and white cat toy on my play mat is one of my favorites.


I still like my play mat. And I still like smiling. Like a lot. I wake up and fall asleep with a smile on my face. Smiling's my favorite. Basically I like people who smile at me. Especially my big brother who likes to smile at me a lot. 


I used to dislike being in my car seat,but I'm getting better about it. 


I went to Nashville to see the Nashville Symphony with mommy and Isaac, and we went pumpkin picking as a family. 

(Above: Nashville Symphony)

Sunday, September 21, 2014

Isaiah 2 Months

I'm 2 Months Old!

I'm Growing!

Weighing in at 11lbs 2.5oz and measuring 23in! I'm average they say!


Smiles, coos, baby squeals and babbles.
Grabbing things, like Mommy's hair.
Found my hands - I really like to put my fist in my mouth.


Mommy says I'm a lot different than my older brother in this department!
I can sleep up 5 hours straight on my good nights. But I like to grunt and wake up every hour or so from 4am to 7am and then take a really good nap. Some days I take a 2 hour morning nap and a 2 hour afternoon nap with catnaps in the evening. Other days I catnap in the morning and sleep forever in the afternoon. Either way I sleep and mommy likes that! I'm also pretty good at letting mommy lay me down somewhere and falling asleep on my own. Usually I sleep in my pack 'n play, rock 'n play, or bouncer. I did fall asleep playing on the floor once - mommy was amazed by that. Other times I request falling asleep tummy to tummy on mommy or daddy.


Mommy feeds me pretty well. She says I'm more of a snacker, but lately I'm eating about every 2-3 hours when I wake up. Sometimes I like to eat before I go to bed.


This month I discovered that I really like my play mat. It has a pretty cool mirror that I can see myself in as well as some fun toys that make noises when I bat at or kick them. My big brother likes to lie next to me and play with me on it too.


Being on my own on my play mat or in my bouncer - those are two of my favorite things. Sometimes I do like my cuddles though. I like smiling. Smiling's my favorite. Mommy makes some funny faces and songs and talks to and I like to smile back. I like when she plays peek-a-boo too... I'm very intrigued by this game. Tummy time is pretty cool too. Sometimes I actually have to ask for it. I'm pretty good at holding my head up. Oh and can't forget that I really like my paci right.


The contraption that my brother used to sleep in - not a fan if they put me in it when I'm awake or asleep (it tries to sing songs and rock/swing me back and forth). Sometimes I dislike being held too much. Strange. I know. But like I said, I do like my cuddles from time to time, but on my own terms. Other than that, there isn't much I really dislike. The world is a pretty cool place.


I went on my first road trip with Mommy, Daddy, and Isaac. We drove to Illinois to celebrate my Aunt Alyssa getting married. Mommy and Daddy said I was a great traveler - I don't remember because I slept the whole time. While we were in Illinois I got to meet a lot of my family who I hadn't met yet!

I also went to my first NFL football game. I got to see the Titans and Vikings play in the rain. And later in the month they took me to the Zoo for the first time! Again I don't remember much because I slept a lot.

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

New Professional Photos of Our Family, Enjoy!

On July 29 we had the pleasure of having professional photographs taken of the newest member of our family, baby Isaiah, of Isaac for his 3rd birthday, and of our new family together. The photographs were taken in our home by By Shea Photography. I wanted to share some of my favorites with you (and there are a lot because they were all so good!). Please enjoy!

Isaac is 3!

In his big boy bedroom with his guitar. I love this photo. He is definitely musically inclined like his aunty.

This one of Isaac jumping on his bed is one of my top favorites. 

Continuing the tradition of taking his birthday pictures with balloons; this year 3 balloons for 3 years!

And of course we tied them to an airplane toy, one of his favorites. So here he is flying it!

This one above - an action shot of him running - is another one of my top favorites. This is my boy, perfectly captured in a moment.

This one above is another personal favorite. I love that she caught this expression of him being slightly embarrassed.
And this one is great too. My silly goose.

Baby Isaiah
Isaiah John born on July 21, 2014, 7lbs 1.5oz, 20.5 inches long. 
8 days new in these photos.

Love that they were taken in his nursery.

Also love these ones of me holding baby Isaiah and my crazy toddler running circles around me and hugging my leg!

Brotherly Love
Big brother Isaac with little brother Isaiah

Isaiah John

Candid Moments of So Much Love

Love, love, love this one of Isaac in his daddy's helmet!

"Portraits" of Our New Family