Monday, October 17, 2011

Isaac 2 Months (a little late)...

So I missed my post about Isaac at 2 months old... A couple of weeks late... But better late than never!

Isaac has grown into his 3 mo and 3-6 mo size clothes in fact right now he's wearing a 6 mo outfit and I had to retire the 3 mo outfit he had on last night. We held him up to his growth chart and it says he's 24 inches! He is growing so big so fast!

He's doing really well at holding his head up on his own. He's working on his tummy time but finds it very frustrating. We bought him a bumbo off craigslist and he's sat in it a few times.

Mostly he likes to coo and talk and smile and giggle. I love that we can smile at him and make him giggle. It's the best. He truly lives up to his name! He is a joy and is guaranteed to make me smile and laugh even when I'm frustrated. When he's not laughing and talking he's busy eating his hands and sucking his thumb. He's so cute.

He still struggles with sleep and being soothed once he gets fussy, but he's definitely a much happier baby now that we've figured out most of his food sensitivities. This past week he slept like a dream but not this weekend! But for the most part he's fallen into a 3 hr routine of eat, play, sleep.

This week he gave me a heart attack when he rolled himself off his little inclined chair and face planted onto our bed, but he didn't seem to mind at all. As he gains more awareness of his body, he rubs and scratches his face a ton when he's sleepy which of course just keeps him awake.  He makes more and more eye contact and is definitely starting to follow us and recognize faces and gets a little scared or unsure about new faces.

That's about it for now! Need to wrap this up before the little monster wakes up!

Saturday, October 15, 2011

My 2nd Pregnancy & Infant Loss Remembrance

Today, October 15th, has been nationally recognized as Pregnancy & Infant Loss Remembrance Day.

Last year was the first time I became aware of this day and participated in it in memory of Hailey. We had a wonderful time remembering her and celebrating our daughter as well as helping others remember their babies. You can read about it here (and I hope that you do!).

Today is my second time recognizing this day and remembering Hailey and the other babies I know who have left us too soon.

Unfortunately we were unable to find any events in our area to attend and with Isaac we were unable to arrange anything ourselves.

However, today we went on our own little family walk in some beautiful fall weather. We went to the Greenway, this beautiful walking path in our area, and Josh walked Opie and I pushed Isaac in the stroller (to start). We walked a little farther than Isaac could stand so he got a bit fussy; we ended the walk with me walking Opie and pushing the stroller and Josh carrying Isaac. :) I wore my t-shirt from last year's walk that we participated in.

And tonight in about 30 minutes we will participate in the event that takes place around the world at 7pm wherever you are known as the Wave of Light. At 7pm we will light a candle for Hailey. I will light the same one I bought last year just for this occasion. It has what has become my life verse on it which is because of my daughter. It's a reminder of her and of God and all that He's done and will do.

Of course if I ever take a true moment to be still and silent and remember my daughter, it's filled with emotions, the strange mixture of joy and sorrow. Today I haven't had a moment to myself to do that yet, but I've still thought of her a little extra today and feel full of God's peace. I think her "rainbow" brother is helping to further heal my heart in a unique way that I'll try to write about some day.

I've stolen a moment at the computer to write this blog while Hailey's brother naps on his napping daddy's chest. But I know this moment will be short and Isaac will awaken before I know it so I need to wrap this up.

Thank you to everyone who has remembered Hailey and isn't afraid to mention her name. Your support means the world and also helps soothe my broken heart.

Praying for peace for all the families out there remembering their babies. May you find hope and joy as you trust in God with what you're enduring. (Rm. 15:13)

Part of Me…
I thought of you with love today, but that is nothing new.
I thought about you yesterday and the day before that too.
I think of you in silence. I often say your name.
But all I have are memories and your picture in a frame.
Your memory is my keepsake, with which I’ll never part.
God has you in His keeping. I have you in my heart.
I shed tears for what might have been. A million times I’ve cried.
If love alone could have saved you, you never would have died.
In life I loved you dearly. In death I love you still.
In my heart you hold a place, no one can ever fill.
It broke my heart to lose you, but you didn’t go alone.
For part of me went with you, the day God took you home.

-Author unknown


Love you baby girl! Jesus give her extra squeezes and snuggles and kisses from me today!