Sunday, September 21, 2014

Isaiah 2 Months

I'm 2 Months Old!

I'm Growing!

Weighing in at 11lbs 2.5oz and measuring 23in! I'm average they say!


Smiles, coos, baby squeals and babbles.
Grabbing things, like Mommy's hair.
Found my hands - I really like to put my fist in my mouth.


Mommy says I'm a lot different than my older brother in this department!
I can sleep up 5 hours straight on my good nights. But I like to grunt and wake up every hour or so from 4am to 7am and then take a really good nap. Some days I take a 2 hour morning nap and a 2 hour afternoon nap with catnaps in the evening. Other days I catnap in the morning and sleep forever in the afternoon. Either way I sleep and mommy likes that! I'm also pretty good at letting mommy lay me down somewhere and falling asleep on my own. Usually I sleep in my pack 'n play, rock 'n play, or bouncer. I did fall asleep playing on the floor once - mommy was amazed by that. Other times I request falling asleep tummy to tummy on mommy or daddy.


Mommy feeds me pretty well. She says I'm more of a snacker, but lately I'm eating about every 2-3 hours when I wake up. Sometimes I like to eat before I go to bed.


This month I discovered that I really like my play mat. It has a pretty cool mirror that I can see myself in as well as some fun toys that make noises when I bat at or kick them. My big brother likes to lie next to me and play with me on it too.


Being on my own on my play mat or in my bouncer - those are two of my favorite things. Sometimes I do like my cuddles though. I like smiling. Smiling's my favorite. Mommy makes some funny faces and songs and talks to and I like to smile back. I like when she plays peek-a-boo too... I'm very intrigued by this game. Tummy time is pretty cool too. Sometimes I actually have to ask for it. I'm pretty good at holding my head up. Oh and can't forget that I really like my paci right.


The contraption that my brother used to sleep in - not a fan if they put me in it when I'm awake or asleep (it tries to sing songs and rock/swing me back and forth). Sometimes I dislike being held too much. Strange. I know. But like I said, I do like my cuddles from time to time, but on my own terms. Other than that, there isn't much I really dislike. The world is a pretty cool place.


I went on my first road trip with Mommy, Daddy, and Isaac. We drove to Illinois to celebrate my Aunt Alyssa getting married. Mommy and Daddy said I was a great traveler - I don't remember because I slept the whole time. While we were in Illinois I got to meet a lot of my family who I hadn't met yet!

I also went to my first NFL football game. I got to see the Titans and Vikings play in the rain. And later in the month they took me to the Zoo for the first time! Again I don't remember much because I slept a lot.