Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Isaiah 11 Months

(Note: This post is over a week late due to the busyness of moving! Here's a recap of Isaiah's past month - he turned 11 months on June 21st)

Isaiah 11 Months Old

I'm Growing!

Ugh mommy keeps forgetting to weigh and measure me... I know I wear size 12 month clothes and size 3 diapers, but that's about all I know.


Standing independently

Squatting ...  and clapping

Waving "hi" 

Walking with a walker

Slowly cruising around using furniture

First time grocery shopping in the big boy cart instead of mommy wearing me in my carrier. 


Sleeping is much better this past month. Mommy quit rocking me to sleep which wasn't very fun at first. But in no time at all I figured out how to fall asleep on my own for my two naps and bedtime. This helped my night time sleep a little. I still woke up about 2-3 times a night but it was improvement from where I was. I even gave mommy a couple of good 6-7 hour stretches of sleep. Mommy also doesn't rush in to nurse me back to sleep at night anymore. Sometimes she holds me and rubs my back and I lay my head on her shoulder and I calm down and fall back asleep. Other times she lays me in my crib once I'm calm and rubs my back until I fall asleep again. And then other times I just refuse all that. So the night time sleep is still a work in progress for me. 


Well in addition to a little light sleep training this past month, mommy also decided it was best for our whole family that she wean me. So towards the end of the month mommy began giving switching nursing sessions with a bottle. We think this may have helped me make some progress in the sleep area too, but we may never know. I'm still not a fan of solids, but mommy finally stopped trying to shove those liquid solids in my mouth via spoon, and I like to do more of what she says is baby led weaning at meal time. I really just like to pick up the food and put it in my mouth and spit it out. Mommy did get me to eat some kiwis and potatoes this month. I also ate a whole piece of bread one time. It was yummy. I'm getting there. But let me tell you so far food is definitely fun to play with. 


Playtime is mostly me getting into trouble mommy says. I'm just really excited to figure out how things work and what the world has to offer. I like to stand and play and pull things off shelves. I like to chase big brother around and play with him when he lets me. I really like my walkers and turning other objects into walking toys. I also really like chasing balls around. There isn't much I don't like to play with to be honest. 


Socks. I really like socks. Mommy calls me a sock monster. Everything else is pretty much the same as last month. Pretty consistent. Still LOVE Opie and big brother. Any type of ball, sticks, window sills to lean against and look out, cuddles in mommy and daddy's bed, tickles, any toy that big brother has, bath time, water - including pools and splash parks, and doing my new tricks like clapping or waving.


Still dislike being in my car seat and being confined by any device with straps. Really dislike when I see mommy walk away from me - mommy says I'm starting to get separation anxiety. And still really dislike diaper changes or getting clothes put on me. 


Color Run in Nashville with the family

Nashville trip with mommy, daddy, and big bro after dropping off Father's Day gifts at the NICU. We had a picnic dinner listening to Christian worship and then played around the Parthenon.

First time at a splash park

First time at a pool (and in my little one) - I love the water!

Hanging out at big brother's swimming lessons

Hanging out at big brother's tball games - mommy says I'm a great spectator.

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