Sunday, February 22, 2015

Isaiah 7 Months Old

I'm Growing!

I unofficially weigh just under 16 lbs and am about 27 inches long.


Sitting up on my own!

I learned how to scoot backwards and in a circle. Can't figure out how to go forward yet. And I'm really good at rocking back and forth on my knees and trying to scoot that way now. Mommy gets very excited when I do this. 

I just recently lost my tongue reflex and am now eating solids! So far I've eaten everything mommy (and Grandma) have given me. 

I graduated from my baby whale tub to now taking big boy baths in the tub (it was fun holding onto the laundry basket mommy used the first few times, but now I can sit all by myself and don't need the basket).

I can also make lots of new sounds - most recent of which is "ma ma."


Well this month I made a huge change in how I go to sleep. Last month mommy thought she was going to have to sleep train me but I trained her first! She finally took the hint that I didn't need to be rocked to sleep anymore and started putting me down tired but awake in my crib so I can fall asleep on my own. I think it made mommy sad that I don't want her to rock me to sleep anymore. I still need a little help sleeping though, and my friend Eliza lent me her swaddle and sleep sack to help me feel more secure all alone in my great big crib. It worked great, but then I got a little tired of it so I learned to sneak my arms out. Unfortunately I can't fall asleep really with my arms out (even though I want to) so mommy has to tuck me back in. This past week mommy retired the swaddle and moved me to the sleep sack where I have told her time and again to let me learn to sleep with my left arm out. Again she's finally getting the hint, but I sure don't make it easy on her. My sleep routines and naps are pretty much the same. I take a morning nap, afternoon nap, and sometimes an evening catnap - each from 30 min to 2 hrs. I still don't sleep through the night. I'm up anywhere between 2-5 times. Some nights mommy gets a little rest and other nights I leave her very tired. Sorry mommy! I sure do love your cuddles. 


I'm still breastfed. Sometimes I take a bottle of mommy's milk and on the rare occasion I've been known to take some formula in a bottle too if needed. I eat every 2-4 hours during the day. And now I eat a little bit of baby food once or twice a day while everyone else is eating. I like eating at the table with my family. 


This month I really like to play in the seated position with toys around me. 


LOVE Opie. He's still my favorite My brother is also a favorite of mine. I love when he lays on top of me and makes me giggle. Like my paci. Blowing raspberries. Reading stories in mommy's lap. A few of my "big kid" toys like my sit to stand walker. I like to grab onto rings and balls and shapes from my shape sorter. Also like the triangular toy pictured below.


Sleeping through the night. Being in my car seat for too long. Rolling over.


The weather was very warm one day this past month so Isaac and I had a picnic lunch with mommy outside. I felt the grass for the first time and it was amazing.

After it was nice and warm, it got very cold and snowed. Like really snowed! Here I am with mommy in my snowsuit experiencing the snow. I was pretty cold. 

Grandma, Grandpa, and Oma came for their belated Christmas visit.

I also went to the library for the first time. They have a neat place for babies to play. Who knew? Apparently mommy did. I think I want to go back again.

All in all, loving life and learning that the world is a pretty neat place!

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