Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Isaiah 6 Months

I'm Half a Year Old!

I'm Growing!

I officially weigh 15 lbs 4.5oz and am 26.25 inches long. 


Sitting up - not entirely on my own, but I have the "tripod" sit down!

Also started rocking my butt back and forth today ... Mommy thinks I'll be crawling before she knows it!

Mommy fed me baby food for the first time this month. I've tried oatmeal, pears, sweet peas, and carrots. So far I don't like anything except for my spoon. Mommy says my tongue reflex needs to go away so I will actually swallow my food instead of spit it out.

First time in sunglasses and sun hat! ;)


I'm still a happy napper. But I didn't do any better for sleeping at night this month. I think I actually did worse. To be fair, I was pretty sick for a few weeks so I couldn't help it. Thankfully Mommy tried a swaddle on me in a desperate attempt to help me sleep, and it worked for a whole week! I loved it. But then it didn't help so much. It could be my teeth coming in or a number of reasons but sleep is just not my thing right now. We do have a nice bedtime routine of jammies, eat, swaddle, stories, songs. Mommy rocks me to sleep and I love it. I'm a little too big for her to cradle hold me so I sort of rest in her lap and in the crook of her arm. Oh and I finally sleep only in my crib for nap and night. I think I like it. Mommy says we are sleep training soon. I'm not sure I like the sound of that. Also will no longer stay asleep when mommy takes me out on errands or to work out - too much excitement I don't want to miss!


I still nurse on demand, and I'm still a snacker (I like to eat frequently and not for very long). Mommy says this next month we are working on that too. And like I already mentioned, I tried food for the first time this month but didn't really eat it. Not sure I can handle it yet. I do like when mommy gives me celery to chew on though. 


This month I really like to play when mommy helps me sit up. Still love my jump-a-roo. Also like to just lay on mommy and daddy's bed and roll around and play with my feet. 


Same as last month still. Sitting up with help. My feet. Tickles. Daddy drumming my arms and hands. Big brother. Smiles. Opie. Chewing on celery. Chew toys.


Sleeping through the night. Eating. 


First Christmas! We stayed at home with just our little family. We all got sick. And Grandma Sue, Aunt Jen, Braden, and Ben came to visit for a few days.

This month was also my baby dedication at church. Mommy and daddy promise to raise me to know and love God.

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