Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Isaiah 5 Months Old

I'm 5 Months Old!

I'm Growing!

No unofficial measurements this month, but mommy weighed me at home and says I weigh 14.9 pounds!


Shortly after I turned 4 months old I rolled from my back to my tummy and quickly became a pro at it! 

Blowing raspberries!

I found my feet and toes finally! I even was able to taste them! Pretty yummy. 

Also had my first taste of real food this month! Mommy is thinking of doing more baby led weaning and I'm really interested in watching her eat and trying to grab food from her. She probably will wait another month to really start, but she let me suck on a piece of water melon and I sure loved it! Felt nice and cold on my gums too!

I took my first bottle this month! I wasn't having it at all at first. Did not like it. But eventually after a lot of hard work, mommy got me to drink 3 oz of pumped milk and I liked that a lot. 


I'm back to being a happy napper. I take a morning nap, afternoon nap, and early evening catnap of about 30 minutes, my other naps are still anywhere from 45 minutes to 2 hours. However, my night time sleep took a huge hit this month. I'm making mommy pretty tired I can tell. I rarely wake up less than 3 times... The other night I kept waking up every hour. I sure love when she comes to hold me and helps me fall back asleep, I wouldn't have it any other way! Mommy helps me fall asleep by holding me and walking around with a little bounce in her step or rocking me. She always pats my butt to the rhythm of Jingle Bells and I just love it! I nap in my rock 'n play still and sleep half the night in my crib and half the night in my rock 'n play. I also like to wake up for an hour every morning from 4/5-5/6 and then go back to sleep until 7ish. Basically mommy is pretty tired, but I am pretty happy. 


Mommy is trying to get me on more of a spaced out schedule so I don't snack so much during the day, but I'm not really on board with that idea yet. I like eating whenever I feel like it still which tends to be before and after naps, and then there are some days I just don't feel like eating much at all. Mommy is also trying to get me to drink more pumped milk from a bottle, but with my eating being so sporadic and my snacking a lot, and it being this whole new thing to me, the bottle is a work in progress. 


This month I love my jump-a-roo. Big brother plays with me a lot while I'm in it so that makes it extra fun. I still like to roll around and play with my feet. I don't like sitting in my bouncer anymore, I try to pull up to sitting whenever mommy puts me in it. I like to put things in my mouth and chew on them. I'm not sure I have a favorite toy, I sort of like them all.


Sitting up with help. My feet. Chewing mommy's knuckles. Tickles. Daddy drumming my arms and hands. Big brother playing with me. Smiles.


Sleeping through the night. 


I had my first Thanksgiving! I liked watching the Macy's parade with Isaac and daddy.

We cut our first family Christmas tree!

I went on my first Hailey's Hope delivery with my family for Hailey's birthday.

Mommy and daddy took me and Isaac to see the Radio City Christmas Spectacular Show in Nashville. I loved watching it!

Another amazing month! Can't wait to learn and grow more!

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