Sunday, May 24, 2015

Isaiah 10 Months

Isaiah 10 Months Old

I'm Growing!

...But Mommy hasn't measured me yet... 


While I pulled to standing for the first time last month, this month made it official - I'm a stander (as long as I hold on to something). 

I cut 4 new teeth just before I turned 10 months old. It was very very rough... I now have 4 teeth fully in and 4 teeth just cutting through the surface which technically means I have 8 teeth!

First time in a pool! I love water!


Unfortunately, my sleep took a hit again this past month. I still nap twice a day pretty well, but I make mommy bounce / rock me to sleep every time now. Bedtime started to get a little harder, especially as daddy was gone for work for two weeks and mommy was trying to take care of me and big brother. My night time sleep got better and then got worse. I was back to waking up every 2-3 hours, then as my teeth started coming in, I ended the month waking up a lot more and staying up in the middle of the night too. It was rough for everyone. Hopefully this next month will be better again. 


I'm still breastfed and nurse every 3-5 hours during the day. At my last doctor's appointment, the doctor suggested mommy try to lengthen the time between my nursing sessions and feed me solids before getting breast milk to help encourage me to eat solids since I wasn't. This was both good and bad. It worked sometimes and didn't work other times. Sometimes I like to eat, sometimes I don't. Mommy still tries every day - both spoon feeding me purees and letting me eat safe table foods. She also went back to nursing me when I wanted, which was better for both of us, but in general I sort of have a breakfast, lunch, afternoon snack, dinner, and before bed snack. She keeps saying, "food before one is just for fun." And I seem to agree. I really like to chew on frozen peas and watermelon... And then spit them back out. 


Playtime is still me crawling and exploring and seeing what I can pull up on so I can stand. I still love playing with the set of balls my brother gave me for Christmas, they are so fun to chase around the house. I also really like to play at my activity table this month. Mostly, I like to see what new things I can get into. I also love when big brother asks me to chase him around the house. Sometimes mommy will find me just sitting quietly in different places of the house playing with something I found.


Still LOVE Opie and big brother. Any type of ball toy, sticks, window sills to lean against and look out, cuddles in mommy and daddy's bed, tickles, any toy that big brother has, bath time, water.


Still dislike being in my car seat and being confined by any device with straps. Still dislike eating solid foods. Dislike when I see mommy walk away from me. Dislike diaper changes.


Grandma Sue came to visit over Mother's Day and we got to go to Nashville together. I got to go on a carriage ride.

Mommy and me on Mother's Day