Today Isaac is 10 months old! Happy birthday to my sweet little boy! Time continues to be speeding by us as Isaac continues to rapidly change and develop and transition from baby to toddler.
Well at his 9 month check up it was confirmed that he really wasn't growing all that much and that was probably not a good thing. He dropped to 1% on weight. Even though he hadn't grown any longer, his height was average. Therefore it was doctor's orders to beef him up and help encourage him to consume more calories. I'm happy to report that in a few short weeks he'd gained a couple of pounds. At his last visit, which was for an ear infection a couple of weeks ago, he was about 18 lbs. So thankfully it looks like he is starting to pack on some pounds.
Milestones/ Skills mastered:
This month he's a stander and an assisted walker... and along with that a climber! He spends most of his time with his learning walker featured in the photo below, playing by the bookcase, fireplace, or stairs, the safest places to be of course!
As of today he has 6 teeth completely in, a 7th about halfway through, and an 8th starting to break through!
This month he's eating three "meals" of solids a day with the occasional snack. We've added proteins to his diet or rather chicken and turkey, and so far he really isn't a fan. He's still doing all pureed foods, hates textures, and will gag or cough at the slightest texture. However, just yesterday he finally started eating and swallowing his puff cereal so maybe things are changing. This month began the weaning process from breast to a sippy cup of formula. The transition is going quite effortlessly and smoothly. The hardest part has probably been dealing with my emotions and hormones. We're not completely weaned yet but should be in about a week. The decision was a difficult and very personal one, but is one we decided on for the best for Isaac and me based on several factors.
His new trick this month is clapping his hands. It was quite awesome the first time it happened. Now, however, it often is the precursor to a wee-bit of a tantrum with arms flailing... but he does clap when he's happy too so that's good.
Walking of course, continues to practice pulling himself up to standing, cruising around holding furniture - not to sure about moving when standing always but trying to get the courage to do so... Also trying to climb steps and somewhat successful at times... Baby gates I ordered where are you? ;)
This month he continues to go to sleep around 8pm and wake up around 7am. He also continues to have two naps a day. He has dropped his evening catnap which he started to do last month. And he is completely sleeping through the night now for about 10-11 hrs. Our activities and routine pretty much remain the same. The only noteworthy changes I think are that he's outgrown the chair he used to sit in while I showered and got ready in the morning... We're still trying to figure out a way for him to be content and me still get ready at the start of our day; right now we're trying the pack 'n play but he's not too thrilled with it, maybe in time. And the other change is that he no longer takes baths in his whale tub since he's over reclining and relaxing and into moving and exploring; he now sits in a bath seat I picked up at a consignment sale for 5 bucks or he's sitting in the tub (although this makes me so scared!).
Favorite activities/toys:
New activities/ First experiences: Isaac made a friend! He loves hanging out with our neighbor Luke who is about to celebrate his first birthday next week.
Isaac had his first haircut! Grandma Cetty who was here visiting trimmed his bangs (that were hanging in his eyes) and trimmed around his ears. He was such a good playing sitting and playing while she cut his hair... It was definitely a tug on mommy's heartstrings type of moment... Had to hold back some tears, my little boy is growing up so fast!
This month was Isaac's baby dedication. We had him dedicated at our church here in TN on Mother's Day with Josh's family in town visiting. (As part of Mother's Day weekend Isaac also joined us for his 2nd deliver with Hailey's Hope, his first to the NICUs at the hospital where he was born.) And he also had his 2nd trip to the Nashville Zoo. We also visited some new local museums and parks this month.
New favorite toys: drums and maracas (sp?)
He still really likes his: v-tech sit/stand/walk toy, toy construction set, Praise Baby DVDs, going for rides in his stroller
Last news to report: We switched Isaac's room to the guest room, which is actually painted a pretty blue color I love, has a vaulted ceiling, and a ceiling fan, all in an attempt to get him into a cooler room. I think we're all very happy with the switch.
Favorite part of this month:
Watching him become a little man as he plays and talks to himself, stands up on his own and plays, and as he walks with help. Some days it still seems surreal to have a healthy child I'm watching grow up... The days are here that I thought might never happen once upon a time ago... And that is truly remarkable and makes me see the miracles in every day.
My thoughts:
This month I no longer have a baby. I knew it was coming. But it's officially here. I'm calling him my toddler want to be this month. This month has been truly remarkable and awesome as I watch him become more and more of a little person... clapping, standing, walking... Things that honestly leave me speechless and in awe of my little bundle of joy. I'm still in awe of how cute he is too... He totally has me wrapped around his little fingers... He continues to bring me so much delight and brings me so many smiles and laughs. And I love how happy and smiley he is and taking him places with me where he smiles at other people. Other than continuing to grow more and more in love with him, which I didn't know was possible but is.... This month has been quite the challenge too. His sleeping and napping have been awesome so I've felt less stressed out... However, he did have his second ear infection which threw a wrench in things for a bit. But the challenge I referred to is what I also don't think I was prepared for which is the amount of frustration and danger and make-my-heart-stop type of moments there would be as he enters this phase of learning to walk. He wants to do things he can't do yet. He cries. He does something he wants to do but is a novice at, falls, slips, tumbles. He cries. I can't count how many times I've heard and watched his head hit the floor this month. Ouch. Poor guy. It's a tough, rough world out there, and Isaac is in the middle of learning it.
I'm learning to relinquish control, trying not to rush to help him with everything, trying to let him be independent and learn on his own a bit... And then in creeps the beginnings of discipline this month.
The word "no" has become a star this month, so much so I'm being cautious as to not over use it. Unfortunately the little bugger likes to do what he's not supposed to, what's dangerous, and so on... So we have to tell him "no" quite a bit. His favorite place is a basket of cords under the built in office in our kitchen. That's also one of the few places we forbid him to be since he will try to chew the cords and we all know all the many reasons why electrical cords and babies don't mix... Unfortunately, the basket, the wires, everything about it lures him there... So we're trying to be consist, telling him "no" ... Sometimes he laughs at me when I talk sternly to him, that's probably not a good thing, thankfully I have yet to crack and laugh back. I just keep telling myself consistency is key and one day he will understand he is not supposed to be somewhere, etc.
As I've learned over the past ten months, this parenting thing is a whirlwind - especially the first year as everything changes so fast. Once you get the hang of something, something new comes along, and I'm sure it will be like that for the foreseeable future. Time to learn to parent in new ways. :)
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