After reading about it and viewing the advertisement for the book on YouTube (watch below), I knew this was something I wanted to try to include in our NICU care packages.
The author, Jeanna J. Plunkett, has agreed to offer our project a discount on the books. Each book is normally priced at $13.99 plus shipping, but she is offering us $10 per book plus free shipping with a minimum order of 25 books.
Because this item is not normally included in our care packages (which usually run us around $50 per package), Hailey's Hope is having a special book sponsorship drive. We need to go above and beyond to make this happen which is why we need your help!
For now, this sponsorship drive will continue until we have at least 25 books sponsored, but in the long term, I would love to be able to make this book a part of our regularly included items in our care packages.
If you or someone you know would like to become a book sponsor, please view the flier below or go to our event page on the Project Sweet Peas' website: Prayers from the NICU Book Sponsorship Drive.
If you have any questions, please email me:
Thank you for considering helping us provide a NICU mom with one of these priceless books!
"Rejoice in our confident hope. Be patient in trouble, and keep on praying. When God's people are in need, be ready to help them." Romans 12:12-13 NLT
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