For instance, yesterday we received our largest donation yet!
I drove to meet some members of my best friend's family so that they could drop off a huge delivery to us. They had been talking with me for some time about all they were doing and warned me that they had several boxes to give to me. But even after all of that, I was still stunned as we loaded 6 boxes of items into my car! When I arrived home and unloaded the boxes from my car, I of course immediately opened them and peeked at all the items! I definitely was like a kid on Christmas morning.
Here are the boxes of items:
This afternoon I spent a couple of hours unpacking and inventorying their donations. They gathered and donated over 200 items to us! Can you believe it?!
I am in awe of their support and generosity. It truly warms my heart and soul. So many families are going to be blessed by what they've done and given. For lack of a better word, because I'm still somewhat speechless about it all, it's amazing.
As I mentioned, I updated our inventory list today for what items we have for our basic bags and angel boxes so I can see what we still need to reach our goal of 50 basic NICU bags and 10 angel boxes for our delivery on Hailey's 1st birthday, December 1st, 2010.
The deadline for donating items is mid-November (so that I have enough time to put together the bags); this means we are a little less than 2 months away from that deadline and a little over 2 months away from our delivery.
So here is where we are today with our inventory and what we need:
We do not need anymore of the following items: clothing, picture frames/ photo albums, cameras, and pens. (Of course if you've already planned on donating these items please do; we will either use them to surpass our delivery goal or use them next time).
We are close to reaching our goal for the following items: stuffed animals, notebooks, kleenex packs, and baby hats.
Items we still need a significant amount of: baby blankets, baby/children's books, baby socks, baby brushes, hand/foot print or mold kits, birth record pillows, puzzle books
Priority items that we really, really need: scratch mittens and toiletry items (toothbrushes, toothpaste, shampoo, soap, shaving items, chapstick, etc.)
Thanks to those who have donated to us so far for our 2nd round of deliveries!
If you haven't donated anything yet but are planning on it, I hope these lists will help you with ideas for what you can give.
To see pictures that show the progress of gathering donations for our 2nd delivery you can view the album on our Facebook page.
Making a donation in support in many cases is the lifeblood for many important group doing import this. Give when you can , and thank you
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