Here's a recap:
As I've mentioned already, we have received our starter kit from Project Sweet Pea, and we have word of some very amazing donations and opportunities to promote Hailey's Hope in hopes of gathering more donations - still waiting to reveal the details on these until they are 100% for sure. I have also received word from a friend and family member that they will be donating some blankets - handmade and new.
How have I been seeking donations for Hailey's Hope?
First I shared about it on here and on Facebook - hoping word of mouth gets around. Then I mailed out letters to family and friends requesting their support. Also, I have been personally emailing people, organizations, and companies who I feel can help our project. For our future sets of gift bags, we will be doing some fundraising events.
What's new this week?
My husband and I have personally invested in our project purchasing custom made cards to put in each of the gift bags, custom 'business' cards, and I have designed an informational brochure that we will be printing soon hopefully. Today I went out and bought all the items (except for 2) for a basic NICU gift bag for a girl baby sponsored by my husband and me. You can see pictures by clicking the button below and viewing the photo album on Hailey's Hope's facebook page.
Where are we in reaching our goal?
So far we have 2 complete bags. We still need enough items to fill 18 more by June 1st! And I'm working on purchasing 10 more gift bags with Hailey's Hope's logo on it.
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