Here is a recap of his 11th month:
Isaac is almost 20 lbs now. I blame his darn colds and not eating during them on the low weight, but really, he's probably just a lean boy like his mom and dad. His height is about 28" maybe a little more. We go in for his 1 year check up in a few days so I'll get my official stats then. :)
Milestones/ Skills mastered:
Feeding himself finger foods! That's all he wants to do now. It was a drastic over night change from all purees to all finger foods all himself which took me by surprise. Mr. Independent is his new name. (He loves grapes, watermelon, banana, and most fruits. He hates any type of meat which is a little frustrating for mommy).
He has mastered my favorite baby squat position finally. (So sad I don't have a picture of this yet).
He said his first (meaningful) word: "Dada!" He's said it only a handful of times but always appropriately and not a ramble. My favorite moment was when Josh was gone TDY and I was reading Isaac our family faces storybook we made him. I reached Josh's page with pictures of him and Isaac, and Isaac touched it and said, "Dada." Ugh, my heart melted. Love it.
Walking and standing on his own of course. We've caught him a few times standing on his own while playing for a brief moment, but right when he realizes he isn't holding on he quickly squats to the floor or grabs on to something.
Talking. He's a talker. Not with real words, but oh my does he baby babble like no other. He doesn't get that from me that's all I know. I can't wait to see what he's like when he starts speaking actual words! It's really cute when our neighbor Luke comes over to play (Luke is about 2 months older than Isaac). Isaac will smile and baby babble at him. I would love to know what he's trying to say!
I should also note that he's really into imitating us now, with sounds and movements. Clapping, moving our heads, patting, he's kinda into pointing but not really... It's still fun though.
This month he continues to go to sleep around 8pm and wake up between 6 and 7am. He also continues to have two naps a day. His schedule is much the same as last month. His two naps are about 1 hr each now. And since he's been sick twice this month he has not been napping very well.
Favorite activities/toys:
New activities/ First experiences:
Discovered and enjoys emptying his book shelves and drawers.
New favorite toys: His car he rides in and we push. Water table. Soon to be cozy coupe. Loves Hailey's garden butterfly in our front yard.
He still really likes his: walkers, drums, toy construction set, pop up toy (although he has no idea how to actually use it), likes his bouncer again (not sitting in it but walking around it). Loves playing with anything and everything outside.... On a side note, why does Isaac hate eating meat and veggies but loves dirt, grass, and bugs?? I don't get it! :)
Last thoughts/news to report: He is a monkey and I love him even when he gets into trouble, which he does a lot of lately.
Favorite part of this month: Playing and interacting with him. There used to be a time when I'd (hate to say it) not look forward to him waking up from naps because the hours following would be very draining and difficult finding ways to entertain him or carry him around, etc. But this month he plays so well on his own and plays so well with us that it's been a lot of fun. I find myself looking forward to him waking up from naps so we can go do something fun or play outside together. I'm really happy he has his neighbor friend Luke to play with too.
My thoughts on Isaac's first year:
Wow... where to even begin. It's been a ride that's for sure! And God has used every moment to teach me and stretch me and grow me. The first couple of days of Isaac's life outside the womb were complete heavenly bliss. Broken places left from Hailey were healed and redeemed in those sweet moments of perfection with Isaac. I'd never known anything so perfect and close to heaven as I did in those first moments with him.
Unfortunately once Isaac's allergies set in things changed a little. The first couple of months seemed like years to me with Isaac due to all the crying and not sleeping (for both of us) due his food allergies. It wasn't what I had anticipated. It was by far the most difficult period with him from my sleep deprivation, the hours upon hours every day I sat in the glider rocking him, awake and to sleep since that's the only thing he liked. It reopened wounds left behind by my experience with Hailey. Having another child who was clearly in pain and that there was something wrong with was heartbreaking. Not being able to comfort him, soothe his pain, fix him... made me feel like a failure, made me hurt wondering why I had another child in pain who I couldn't help, made me frustrated, made me cry when he cried... It was rough to say the least. It was humbling. I learned I couldn't do everything on my own like my prideful, independent self likes to think. I learned I had to seek help and accept help (but boy it sure seems like I'm always learning that lesson). I learned yet again to see the beauty in the seemingly dark moments. My time in the middle of the night comforting him or rocking him to sleep became moments I treasured. There became nothing sweeter for me to do than to do what God intended me to do as his mother. To love him. To be there for him. I found the middle of the night when I was up with him and the rest of the world was quiet to be an awesome time to pray and talk with God. Praying over your child is an awesome thing. I did with Hailey but not like I did with Isaac. It was different. And it was and is a wonderful privilege.
Thankfully, after a rough start, we eventually understood the "problem" and were able to "fix" it. Isaac changed completely. The person he was was finally able to emerge. He slept. He smiled. He was a happy baby. It was a huge relief to have him healthy and happy finally. The next few months were still difficult as we learned together and worked with Isaac to help him sleep (that boy has never really been a sleeper ever). But they were good. With every passing month life with Isaac got better and better and better.
Having lost Hailey and having known that during the entire course of her life we might lose her at any moment, taught me to cherish every moment, every milestone with Isaac. And I have. I like to think I really haven't taken any of it for granted. It's been awesome watching him learn to roll over, sit up, crawl, pull himself to standing... Truly awesome. Things I never got to see with Hailey which makes it all the more miraculous and makes me all the more appreciative of how God works in his creation. And it's been awesome to be able to hold him, hug him, kiss him, sing to him, make him laugh, tell him "I love him."
All in all, I don't think Isaac's first year flew by. It crawled by at a snail's pace in the beginning, it does seem to be picking up speed now (I was looking at pictures of him when he was about 3 months old and I just can't believe he used to be that small or that cute ;) although he's still the cutest little boy ever). But I am thankful to be able to slow down each and every day and just soak him up. I love it. And I am thankful to be able to stay at home with him to share in all these moments with him. It has been a great first year with him. And I pray that God blesses him with a long, fruitful life, and that I get to be a part of it for as long as possible.